Achievement Unlocked: 1,000 Miles

I’ve never really paid attention to how many miles I run each month or every year. But for whatever reason, I set a goal to run 1,000 miles in 2020. I wasn’t even sure it would happen. In 2019, I ran two marathons and didn’t hit 1,000 miles. (To be fair, I was also sidelinedContinue reading “Achievement Unlocked: 1,000 Miles”

Race Review: Harrods Creek Trail Bash

This race holds a little special place in my heart because it was my first trail race. The last two years, I’ve done the 5k. This year, my friend Melissa convinced me to register for the 10k. Don’t get me wrong; I like trail running, but I prefer the shorter distances. Maybe because there’s lessContinue reading “Race Review: Harrods Creek Trail Bash”